译海纵横 | 吃播“凉凉”背后的粒粒皆辛苦
Who knows the rice that feeds,
Is the fruit of hard toil!
Each bowl of rice, who knows?
Is the fruit of hard toil.
生还是熟:生米(uncooked rice) vs 熟饭(cooked rice) 米的种类:杂交水稻(hybrid rice) vs 糯米(glutinous rice) 米的前身:水稻秧苗(rice seedling) vs 稻谷(rice in the husk) 精细程度:糙米(unpolished rice) vs 白米(polished rice) 米的状态:米粒(rice grains) vs 锅巴 (rice crust) 食用用途:米糠(rice bran) vs 米粉(rice flour)